The social look and feel for 1800 Tequila revolves around the fusion of minimalistic design with meticulously curated lifestyle and cocktail imagery to evoke a sense of luxury. Through sleek, understated graphics, high-quality photography, and authentic story-telling, the creative framework aims to transport our audience to a world where indulgence meets impeccable taste, inviting  consumers to elevate their tequila experience.

relationship with his father. In doing so, Jake explains that being a good father starts with setting an example for how to live, and how to dress. By choosing a celebrity father with a young adult son, we were able to target Hugo Boss's two largest demographics.

1800 Tequila

The social look and feel for 1800 Tequila revolves around the fusion of minimalistic design with meticulously curated lifestyle and cocktail imagery to evoke a sense of luxury. Through sleek, understated graphics, high-quality photography, and authentic story-telling, the creative framework aims to transport our audience to a world where indulgence meets impeccable taste, inviting consumers to elevate their tequila experience.


concept, art direction, editing, sound design, design, coloring


social, youtube, web