Dove 45-Yard Line

The 45-Yard Line by Dove seeks to combat the troubling statistic that 45% of girls drop out of sports due to low body confidence. Through an engaging series of sports workshops hosted by Venus Williams and Steve Young, the 45-Yard Line aims to cultivate confidence, positivity, and a sense of belonging - equipping girls with practical tools to overcome body image challenges. The design system for the 45-Yard Line taps into youth culture, utilizing playful colors and bold messaging to empower the next generation of female athletes to embrace their strengths.

relationship with his father. In doing so, Jake explains that being a good father starts with setting an example for how to live, and how to dress. By choosing a celebrity father with a young adult son, we were able to target Hugo Boss's two largest demographics.

Dove 45-Yard Line

The 45-Yard Line by Dove seeks to combat the troubling statistic that 45% of girls drop out of sports due to low body confidence. Through an engaging series of sports workshops hosted by Venus Williams and Steve Young, the 45-Yard Line aims to cultivate confidence, positivity, and a sense of belonging - equipping girls with practical tools to overcome body image challenges. The design system for the 45-Yard Line taps into youth culture, utilizing playful colors and bold messaging to empower the next generation of female athletes to embrace their strengths.


concept, design direction, design, retouching


event activation, social